Laboratory (Applied Science)
Applied Physics
The department has well equipped labs for Diploma students of all disciplines where experiments are designed to broaden experimental skill.

List of Practicals | ||
Sr. No | First Semester | Second Semester |
1 | To Find volume of solid sphere using a vernier calipers. | To find the time period of a sample pendulum. |
2 | To Find internal diameter and depth of a beaker using a vernier calipers and hence find its volume. | To determine and verify the time period of cantilever. |
3 | To Find the diameter of wire using a screw gauge. | To find the focal length of convex lens by displacement method. |
4 | To determine the thickness of glass strip using a spherometer. | To determine the magnifying power of an astronomical telescope. |
5 | To verify parallelogram law of forces. | To verify ohm’s law by drawing a graph between voltage and current. |
6 | To study conservation of energy of a ball or cylinder rolling down an inclined plane. | To verify laws of resistances in series and parallel combination. |
7 | To determine the atmospheric pressure at a place using Fortin’s Barometer. | To find resistance of galvanometer by half deflection method. |
8 | To determine the viscosity of glycerin by stoke’s method. | Conversion of galvanometer into an ammeter and volmeter of given range. |
9 | To determine force constant of spring using Hooks law. | To measure very low resistance and very high resistance using Slide wire bridge. |
10 | To draw characteristics of a pn junction diode and determine knee and break down voltages | |
11 | Use of CRO in plotting AC and DC waveforms. |
Applied Chemistry

List of Practicals | ||
Sr. No | First Semester | Second Semester |
1 | Volumetric analysis and apparatus used in volumetric analysis. | Gravimetric analysis and appartus used in gravimetric analysis. |
2 | Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid or potassium permanganate. | Estimation of copper in the given copper are solution volumetrically or using spectrophotometer. |
3 | To determine strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthalein indicator. | Gravimetric estimation of moisture in the given coal sample (proximate analysis) |
4 | Volumetric estimation of ferrous ammonium sulfate solution by titrating it against standard potassium permanganate solution in acidic medium | Gravimetric estimation of ash content in the given coal sample (proximate analysis). |
5 | To prepare iodoform from ethanol or acetone. | Determination of viscosity of given liquid using Redwood viscometers |
6 | To prepare Mohr’s salt from ferrous sulfate and ammonium sulfate. | Determination of flash and fire point of given lubricating oil using Able’s flash point apparatus. |
7 | Determination of pH of given solution using pH meter. | To study the effect of metal coupling on corrosion of iron. |
8 | To distinguish between aldehyde and ketone by Tollen’s reagent (benzaldehyde and acetone may be used). | Volumetric estimation of total acid number (or total acid value) of given lubricating oil. |
9 | Estimation of total alkalinity of given water sample by titrating it against standard sulfuric acid solution | Study of effect of acids and bases on tensile strength of natural and synthetic polymer fibers.. |
10 | To construct simple Daniel cell and measure its e.m.f. using voltmeter. |
English & Communication Skills

List of Practicals | ||
Sr. No | First Semester | Second Semester |
1 | Self and peer introduction. | Group discussion on some current topic of interest. |
2 | Looking up words in a dictionary (meaning and pronunciation).. | Small speech using voice modulation. |
3 | Newspaper reading. | Seminar |
4 | Just a Minute session – extempore | Debate. |
5 | Situational conversation and role play. | Use of recorded CDs of speeches for Comprehension. |
6 | Using pre – recorded CDs/DVDs to students to listen and comprehend. | Manners and etiquettes. |
7 | Greetings for different occasions. | Paper presentation. |
8 |
Volumetric estimation of total acid number (or total acid value) of given lubricating oil. |
Telephonic conversation: General etiquette for making and receiving calls. |
List of Major Equipment |
Research and Development Centre for Bicycle and Sewing Machine (Polytechnic College wing) came into existence in year 2001. The Polytechnic College is a Technical Education Wing of Research and Development for Bicycle and Sewing Machine Ludhiana. The R&D Centre was established in 1983 by Punjab Government with the assistance of UNDP/UNIDO.